Has anyone else had a particularly bad week?

The portfolio is down 5% over the last week. I suppose that it’s almost inevitable to see some kind of retrace after the ramp up to the new year… Will  I dare to sell all my shares in the first week of February next year? – Probably not.

Thanks to the person who pointed out my mistake of buying Ortac yesterday… They could have been had for 1.8p today! I still think they are a good buy and for now I am holding tight!

It’s Wednesday so a quick run over the changes to the portfolio. Not a huge amount this week;

Firstly, Selling XEL to fund more Atlantic coal shares at 1.1p looks to have been a good decision. It allowed me to average down from my original buy price and I am now showing a small profit.

The remainder of the XEL cash was put into GKP. This was not an easy decision but I already have a significant holding of XEL elsewhere at current prices Gulf Keystone seems to be good value in terms of risk/reward…

Recent buy Atlantic coal (ATC.L) is hovering around the 1.2p mark. Some big buys have come in this week, with BlackRock increasing their holdings to over 9%. News expected soon about the delivery of the Tonka trucks.

It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks. A number of companies with reports and news due early February so we can expect some disruption! I am very aware that commodity prices cannot rise like they have over the last few months forever so I am not expecting gains quite like over the last 6 months! That said – a number of large investment banking firms are predicting substantial growth in commodities this year so with the right shares we could have another good year!

Good luck all,

Keep me updated, websitemail AT dailytrading.co.uk – or use the comments system!
