Sold GKP for 50%


Just sold GKP after hitting the magic 50% profit mark. – This decision will be controversial I know with all the die hard GKP supporters, but a profits a profit, and we have been here before with XEL…

I have a plan to buy back in should any significant retrace occur.

Good luck all. – and I will look forward to your comments



Great start.


Its been a great start to the year

Coastal Energy is up 18% and showing a 18% profit. – I consider this a good hold for now as there is plenty more potentially good news in the pipeline.

Domino’s Pizza is showing a small £50 profit. (5%). – Hold for now.

IP Group showing a small profit (3%) -Lot’s of potential here, another longer hold. Very interesting share this. – So many links to fantastic companies.

GKP is showing a fantastic profit of 42%! – Need to do more research here. No doubt there is potential for massive gains but as allways – high risk when prices inflated so much on speculation… – Holding for now.

GB Group, breaking even. – Considering a sale here to release funds.

Other than that, I have been considering buying into Supergroup again. – I think they have been oversold. Just a question of choosing the right time to get back in. I may have missed my chance but time will tell

No Buys or sells this week.


IP Group bought for 77p


Just bought into IP Group (IPO). – Very solid looking company with no borrowing and lot’s of cash.

Hard to say exactly why I am so keen on this one, but they just look like they know what they are doing. Amazing collection of partners and sub companies linked to the universities. Plenty of opportunity for future developments. The have their fingers in many pies… Will be an interesting one to follow into the new year. Some very big buys trades over the last month, inc director buys.

New year, new start.


It’s nearly 2012 and time to start with a fresh year of trading. This year I am starting with trading account and a pot of £8000 to invest. This years resolution is to keep Dailytrading up to date and to make every effort to post trades on the same day they were made.

As it’s a new year, I have created a new trades table In the same fashion as last year, profits will be posted in green and losses in red.

I should also re-iterate that Dailytrading trading is purely a means for me to record my trades and my reasoning. – All opinions expressed here on Dailytrading are purely my opinions and should not be taken as advice!

With that out of the way I can move on to the first trades. For the first few trades of the year I am looking for some quick wins. The criteria were, companies with good future potential that were volatile enough to provide some potential quick gains.

Buys last week:

Coastal energy, GB Group, Yule Catto, Domino’s Pizza, Indigo Vision group and Gulf Keystone Petroleum.

I made a few quick sells last week to realise a little profit. Indigo Vision Group being the biggest gainer. I was tempted to get back in here but the enormous director buys that have been going on over the last week are overshadowed by a power struggle going on within the company. – This one could go either way.

I would quite like to get back into Yule Catto, Expecting a slight retrace so have set a buy order that may or may not trigger! I have another buy order set for IP group.

More to come, – merry Xmas!





what next?


No updates for a while but I havent been holding many shares! – I got stopped out of nearly all my shares during the crash a couple of weeks ago. Vodaphone XEL held on as I lowered stops on both. All 6k of the remaining cash was put back into the banks at 150p for BARC, 21p for RBS and 29p for lloyds. 2k of each. Starting to slowly claw back some of the losses.


Enough waiting and back to XEL.


I sold PTCM today. – Just too much loss. They may bounce back with a vengeance but I am starting to feel like I have been had. – Time will tell. If your brave and patient there may be money to be made still but I have had enough.

The £1000 from Porta sale went back into old favourite XEL. Bought for 158p. Bit of a risk as Xcite have been so volatile lately. target 180p stop 140p


Current holdings as follows;


AN. (Alternative Networks) – 523 shares
CAD (Cadogan) – 4055 shares
GHT (Gresham Computing) – 2582 shares
HVN (Harvey Nash) – 1931 shares
VOD (Vodaphone) – 673 shares
XEL (Xcite energy) – 623 shares
YULC (Yule Catto) – 642 shares

On the up


Things have been progressing well this week with nearly everything up… (Excluding the ever disappointing Porta potty)…

Early in the week It was apparent that things were looking up and with the FTSE heading in the desired direction at quite a rate it seemed a shame to have cash sitting in the pot.

Two more buys this week and the 10k is fully invested!

Harvey Nash (HVN). Thursday last week saw the release of a statement from the recent AGM. Very positive statement  Performance was “ahead of budget” in Q1 and they are forecasting that it’s likely that this trend will continue through to end of Q2. Buy volumes were up last week and a series of large buys. Bought for 77p – target £1 stop 60p

Vodophone (VOD). Vodophone was the other buy of the week (Today) Last week there were two substantial 100k+ director buys. Vodophone have consistently performed well over last few years and in May announced 3.1% rise in group operating profit for the year to 31 March. they are also increasing dividend payments this year… not usually considered a reason to invest but VOD are buying back large quantities of their own shares. Statistically, for one reason or another – companies that are in a position to do this tend to significantly outperform the index. (this may just be because companies that buy back shares must be in a financial position to do this)… To me it’s a sign of confidence.  Bought for 166p Target £2 – Stop 140p.


I have still not updated the new trades table but will get onto it soon! The portfolio is up overall and showing a small profit (0.8% over it’s first whole week). All trade prices include charges so no a bad week. Nice to see some signs of recovery.





Some buys.


It’s started.

The first buys of the experiment are as follows…

PTCM (Porta Communications) Bought at 13p.

Last year PTCM was a loss maker for me but now the hype surrounding this company has finally diminished I think there is a real chance that we can make some forward progress. David Wright (CEO) is positive that things are going to plan with the new company. This is a risky share but could provide some good returns at these prices.

YULC (Yule Catto)

Yule Catto are a chemicals manufacturer that have been performing very well over the few years. In May this year they released another excellent report forecasting another fantastic year for the company. I see no reason why this share shouldn’t continue to rise over the next 12 months. – Over the last two weeks they have been tipped by numerous Newspapers, including the Mail on Sunday, The Telegraph, Investors Chronicle and Questor. On top of this two top performing funds have increased their holdings in the last two weeks. Bought for 233p – Stop 190p – Target 280p

GHT (Gresham computing).

Gresham are another company that have performed really well over the last few months. A very positive outlook form the BOD and strong institutional support should continue to drive them forwards. Gartmore has a massive 21% stake in this company! My target is 80p.

AN. (Alternative Networks)

Another company with excellent history, going from strength to strength. The recent interim statement was similar to that of last year and forecasted similar growth. The company is up 200% in two years! No reason for things not to continue progressing. Target 370p Stop 230p

I have just been informed that my trade-plan to buy CAD (Cadogan Petroleum) has just gone through. Maybe a bit premature at 37p but we shall see. – Some important announcements and dates coming up over the next couple of months, including – Operations at Pok 1 are expected to commence on site in July 2011. Target 50p Stop 30p

I will being sorting out this years trades table shortly…

New start…


How things have changed from my last update! While I have been busy getting married and generally having a good time my portfolio has gone from 75% profit in May all the way back to 42% last week.

Last week I read yet another gloomy forecast for the next few months decided that enough was enough. The remainder of the portfolio was sold off last week giving a 42% or £4200 profit for the last 12 months on the £10k investment!

Not bad at all really but it’s hard not to be disappointed when at it’s high point the portfolio was showing a %116 profit!

So what now?

Profits have been taken and are helping to nurse the post wedding bank accounts…

The £10k will be re-invested. Just like before, I will keep a record of trades and publish them on here.

Just like last year, my goals are simple. I just want to make more than I would with the money left in the bank… Another 42% and I would be over the moon!

I currently have no shares here but I doubt it will be long before I make some buys… There are bargains to be had. – I just got to find them!





Be back soon. wedding break!


Rather that fob everyone off each week with excuses,  I have decided to suspend updates until I have the time to write something meaningful! In order to write a decent update it takes several hours to research and it’s time I simply don’t have right now.

This next month is going to be a very busy but exciting time for me. I am getting married at the end of the month and there is a great deal to organise!On top of that we have just set out on another venture! – To be announced…

I will continue to post trades when they happen and hope to resume full updates, Mid next month when I return from my Honeymoon!

Good luck all. Please keep the emails coming as I will not be checking my shares on such a regular basis over the coming weeks and could use the info!







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